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t h e  d a y  i t  p o u r e d 

With resplendent joie de vivre and a meticulous co-ordination, the D�j�vuites met in a very significant and historic get together in Arizona, winter 1998. Spanning both the coasts and meriting an inclusion of an elusive globe-trotting D�j�vuite who went to war with his firm just so he could be with us all, the re-union was truly one of the most enjoyable and cherished ones that shall be written down as special in the years to come. Wander around this site and breathe the cool spring sea coast breeze wafting from the horizon as you drive up on the legendary Route 66 brimming with energy and the camaraderie of sunshine.. Growing up happens in a heartbeat. One day you're in diapers; the next day you're gone. But the memories stay with you for the long haul. I remember a place... a town... a house like a lot of houses... A yard like a lot of other yards...On a street like a lot of other streets.And the thing is... after all these years, I still look back... with wonder.

"I've got an idea. The six of us hop in a van and just drive along the coast.
A road trip.
A Tour of the West Coast!!
I want to eat some San Francisco Clam Cowder, and have a drink on Rodeo Drive.


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